Having problems with your garage door?
The Benefits of Insulated Steel Doors

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The Benefits of Insulated Steel Doors

Insulated Steel Doors | Garage Door Repair Highland Park, CA

Don't let the plethora of garage door materials you can choose from confuse you. When it's time to replace your existing door, you may want to try and learn more about the different options that are available to you, as well as which factors you should take into consideration before you make a final decision.

Things to Consider First

The climate in your region is a good thing to take notice of before choosing a new door. Humid areas and extreme temperatures will definitely have an impact on the condition inside and outside your garage. Insulation will make a huge difference in that regard, as it can allow you to more easily maintain a desired indoor temperature. If hot or cold air is able to easily escape your home via your garage door then your HVAC system will have to compensate, which will result in a higher energy bill.

Steel is an Excellent Choice

All materials have their distinct pros and cons, but we believe that steel is probably the best choice. Steel is one of the most durable materials and that's why it is perfect for those who want a strong and resistant garage door that can also withstand strong winds and weather conditions. If you choose to have the door's panels insulated, you will certainly have the benefit of keeping your garage warmer during winter and cooler during summer.

A New Variation

These days, you can choose galvanized steel doors, which means their panels will be coated with zinc and therefore better protected from rust. However, if this coating wears out or if the panels are damaged and become exposed to moisture, rust can still develop and affect them.

The Main Downsides

We're not going to pretend steel doesn't have any disadvantages. Rust, of course, is infamous for being the veritable blight of this material, and even if you get a galvanized garage door, you'll still need to regularly make sure that its condition is holding up, as well as apply it with protective coating every so often. The second disadvantage steel brings goes hand in hand with its main strength. While durability is one of the main reason people choose this material, it's heavyweight also means that a steel door will require a more powerful opener in order to be moved smoothly. That means that if you were looking to only replace your door and keep using your current opener, that may not be a good choice.

We Can Help

Contact our team at Garage Door Repair Highland Park to see what door options we can offer you. We'll gladly answer any question you may have. Call us today.


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* $29 service call - deducted from the service

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Feb 12, 2025
8:00AM - 10:00AM
10:00AM - 12:00PM
12:00PM - 14:00PM
14:00PM - 16:00PM
16:00PM - 18:00PM

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